Why You Should Use Insulated Concrete Form For Building

An insulated concrete form is a type of built wall where concrete is molded and set between two walls made up of rigid, permanent insulation. This insulation is then covered with more concrete, drywall, or other materials in order to create a wall with a significant amount of both strength and energy efficiency. There are many reasons to use this type of wall in construction, including the relative ease of construction, strength, and energy efficiency.

Ease of Construction

One of the main benefits of any concrete construction is that insulated concrete forms are fairly easy to construct. The insulation is built using rigid bars that connect together very easily to create a space for the concrete to be poured and set inside. After, you simply cover the insulation with a wall material of your choice. This method might be harder to execute than a simple drywall application, but many construction crews find it easy nonetheless, especially compared with brick walls.

Strength (And Building Codes)

Another benefit of insulated concrete forms is that they are strong. The structural units used to connect the insulation combined with the insulation itself along with the concrete create a much stronger wall than drywall would normally afford, and the ease of construction creates a net benefit over other highly strong walls such as brick. Additionally, many construction crews find that being compliant with building codes is fairly easy with insulated concrete forms. Given how simple it is to get code approval for both traditional wooden frames and insulated concrete forms, it's easy to see how a crew could prefer insulated concrete forms due to their simplicity and strength.

Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency afforded by the concrete insulated forms makes them worthwhile, even given the similar strength and ease of construction that regular concrete walls allow. They may be harder to construct than other types of walls, but the insulation installed, plus the insulating properties of the concrete itself are generally seen as a large benefit to the owners and residents of the building being constructed. For this reason, insulated concrete forms are becoming popular outside of commercial construction and into residential construction, where homeowners can save money on heating and cooling costs over time.

Insulated concrete forms are increasingly popular due to their ease of construction, strength, and energy efficiency. If you are involved in a commercial or residential building project, consider insulated concrete form. For more information about insulated concrete form, contact a local contractor.
