How A Damaged Air Compressor & Coil Can Keep A Refrigerator Warm

Have you noticed that the refrigerator is not keeping food cold, even when the temperature is turned up high? You may have to get the coil or air compressor repaired because they are vital parts when it comes to cold air production in a refrigerator. Discover in this article why a damaged coil and air compressor can lead to a refrigerator staying warm inside and spoiling your food. 

What is the Role of the Air Compressor in a Refrigerator?

The air compressor is one of the most vital parts of your refrigerator because it has a fan inside of it. The air compressor needs a fan because it will overheat without air to keep it cool. A lack of cool air can also lead to the air compressor catching on fire. You need a cool air compressor so it can do what it is designed to do, which is to change the refrigerant agent in your refrigerator into gas form. The gas plays a big role in how well your refrigerator will cool down.

Why is the Coil Vital for Keeping the Inside of a Refrigerator Cold?

The coil is just as important as the air compressor, as they work together to keep your food cold. Basically, the gas created by the air compressor is used for making the metal of the coil cold. The metal coil must be cold because it is where air travels before entering the inside of your refrigerator. Warm air flows through the coil while touching the cold metal. As the warm air touches the metal, it cools down enough to prevent the food in your refrigerator from spoiling too soon. 

How Much Does a Refrigerator Air Compressor & Coil Cost to Repair?

Getting your refrigerator professionally repaired will be priced based on what is found wrong when it is inspected. The region that you live in may also play a role in the overall price. For instance, a refrigerator repair that is done in zip code 47474 might cost an average of $260 plus, but can go up to over $300 for a professional to perform. The price will depend on if both air compressor and coil are being replaced, as well as the model of parts that are required for your specific refrigerator. Find out what is preventing your refrigerator from getting cold by speaking to a contractor (such as one from Compressed Air Systems) about the air compressor and coil as soon as you can!
